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Exploring Engineering, Science and Technology:

Discovering the World of Drones


This course at the Oxford Scholars Programme is your gateway to understanding how these fields shape the world’s future. Explore various engineering strands, from aerospace to AI and Climate Change. Learn to build drones, grasp the principles of flight, and discover the life stories of leading engineers. Engage in team projects like designing drones for climate action. Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, and be inspired to create a cleaner, better world.

Week 1

Day 1

Introduction to Engineering, Course Overview, Principles of Flight

Day 2

Dynamics of Flight, Electronics, Basic Electrical Components

Day 3

Sensors in Drone Tech, Sensor Types, Hands-on Testing

Day 4

Drone Technology, Drone Anatomy, Crucial Functions

Day 5

Workshop Part 1 - Drone Assembly, Safety Precautions


Week 2

Day 6

Workshop Part 2 - Drone Completion, Testing, Troubleshooting

Day 7

Drone Flight, Control, Flight Systems

Day 8

Drone Applications, Ethical Considerations, Regulations

Day 9

Project Work, Design Challenge, Presentations

Day 10

Reflection, Review, Certificates, Farewell


The Oxford Scholars Programme offers an innovative approach to learning through project-based learning. During the programme, you will have the opportunity to work on one project under the guidance of an academic tutor, in a one-on-one setting. This hands-on experience will allow you to apply knowledge learnt during lectures in a practical context, culminating in a project proposal or report by the end of the programme.

Programming and Automation

Learn the basics of drone programming languages (e.g., Python, Scratch). Write a program to automate a series of flight maneuvers
Demonstrate the automated flight in a controlled environment

Why attend?

Join OSP for a transformative summer, immersing yourself in experiences that will shape your future.

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