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Foundations of AI and Programming:

Unleashing the Power of Technology


Ready to explore AI and programming? Join our groundbreaking “Foundations of AI and Programming” course. Dive into machine learning, neural networks, and data analysis. Master Python and develop AI models through hands-on experience. Solve real-world problems collaboratively. Whether you aim to be an AI engineer or simply grasp cutting-edge tech, this course equips you to thrive in the world of AI. Apply now and unleash AI’s power!

Week 1

Day 1

Introduction to AI and Machine Learning, Icebreakers, Course Overview

Day 2

Basic Programming in Python, Coding Exercises, Hands-on Activities

Day 3

Data and Datasets in AI, Types of Data, Data Extraction

Day 4

Algorithms and Decision Making, Problem Solving, Algorithmic Decisions

Day 5

Machine Learning Fundamentals, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Real-life Examples


Week 2

Day 6

Advanced Python, Coding Projects, Skill Enhancement

Day 7

Neural Networks, Applications, Deep Learning Tools

Day 8

Building AI Models, Data Preprocessing, Model Training

Day 9

Model Testing and Improvement, Performance Enhancement

Day 10

Ethical AI Considerations, Impact on Society, Future Trends.


The Oxford Scholars Programme offers an innovative approach to learning through project-based learning. During the programme, you will have the opportunity to work on one project under the guidance of an academic tutor, in a one-on-one setting. This hands-on experience will allow you to apply knowledge learnt during lectures in a practical context, culminating in a project proposal or report by the end of the programme.


Interactive Chatbot for Education:

Develop an interactive chatbot designed to assist students in their learning journey. The chatbot could provide explanations for various subjects, offer quiz questions, or recommend educational resources. This project involves programming logic, database integration, and user interface design.

Why attend?

Join OSP for a transformative summer, immersing yourself in experiences that will shape your future.

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